Nashville Pro Hammond About Us
Nashville Pro Hammond, Inc. serves a large, diversified community of Hammond organ/Leslie speaker owners. Our clients include professional studio musicians, major touring acts, recording studios, churches, and the home hobbyist/enthusiast. We're most proud of our attention to our client needs and strive to put those before our own. We rent and sell Hammond, Leslie, Trek II, Neo Ventilator, Eminence, Electro-Harmonix, and other products. NPH is well known for our repair, rental, and restoration of these marvelous instruments.

About Us
NPH serves a large, diverse community of professional studio musicians, major touring acts, recording studios, churches, and weekend warriors.
We repair and restore vintage Hammonds and Leslies along with Wurlitzer and Fender Rhodes EP’s. We stock the fine line of Trek II Products, Retrolinear/Warneck Research Wurly and Rhodes parts and accessories, and are Nashville’s Neo Ventilator dealer.
For local do-it-yourselfers — call in your parts order and schedule a pick-up time.